5th-6th of March I attended the SESS report 2018 workshop arranged by SIOS. This took place in Copenhagen. Since I had taken part in planning this, I am very happy it was a success. As I had the responsibility for the logistics, I am happy everything went fine with the hotel booking and the restaurant dinner. During this workshop I got to know many well-established researchers in the international research environment within different sorts of earth science research. For example during the dinner I sat with a researcher who just had taken part in launching two rockets from Ny-Ålesund. Through this workshop I learned more about the importance of collaborating between different earth science fields at Svalbard to be able to answer the large interdisciplinary research question that one discipline can’t answer on its own. I also learned more about SIOS’ intentions for the future, as well as future perspectives with regards to the report. The SESS report is an important part of SIOS’ work, where research done in connection to SIOS is reviewed, as well as it is the basis for planning future research questions that should be answered. Through taking part in this workshop I got to learn how hard it can be to get the participants to understand what outcomes you want from the discussion. I got to take part in the discussion planning and learned how to arrange a discussion, and that you often need to improvise and change plans to get the outcome you want as an organizer. Planning a workshop and holding a discussion is a useful experience to have for the future.
I am still the social media responsible, and keep getting new knowledge on this topic. I have learned more about coding on a web-site, how to process images for a web-site, as well as editing a YouTube video. As social media is an important part of most businesses, I am glad I get this knowledge.
Now I am halfway through my internship in regards to working hours and have learned a lot so far. Most of my work from now on will be to work with data management, which I look forward to!